Twitter Art Roundup 07-19-2017
Here’s a bit of a roundup for yesterday’s updates from noteable illustrators in Twitter! See the items below: Like, Reply, Retweet, or comment on them. Your support will mean much to these artists. Enjoy!
[Cosplay] Katy Teiko is your Favorite Tomato (Maki)
DECO*27, sasakure.UK, PinocchioP CD/merch on sale now !
Seiyuu Miyu Matsuki (松来未祐) dies at 38
SAY-U App let’s you become a Voice Actor on your Phone
Being an anime aficionado, one of my distant wishes is to try out voice acting in anime or in any production. Since I’ve had a short background during my college time working with Radio programs and scripts, I think I had a bit of a knack of living things down on the mic. So, yep, I definitely wanted to try voice acting– even just on the phone!
Emitsun (Nitta Emi/新田 恵海) to be on hiatus for a while.
Anime Folder Icons Winter 2015 (Free Download)
[Press Release] YKK’s Animation “FASTENING DAYS” Now Playing Worldwide
Directed by Emerging Japanese Anime Creator Hiroyasu Ishida Theme Song by Techno-‐Pop Trio, “Perfume”
-‐Spanish, French and Chinese subtitles are available-‐
TOKYO-YKK Corporation (Headquarters: Tokyo Chiyoda-ku Kanda Izumi-cho 1, “YKK”)has created a short animation titled“FASTENING DAYS”in an effort to enhance the recognition of the YKK® brand and YKK® fastening products.