Take Flight: Asuna “The Berserk Healer” Cosplay
Web Koihime Musou
Publisher: Bean Fun
Developer: BaseSon
I’ve been mostly stuck around the office for some time now, and my low-powered PC won’t allow me to play with anything graphics-intensive. So I resorted to look for web-based games. I tried Battestations, which looked pretty awesome—but yep, my browser crashed all too much (yes, it is THAT low-end). And so I had to resort to something even lower.
Found this little gem off Facebook when I saw an ad. Yep, I fell for that bishoujo pic. Lol.
Anyway, it took some time for me to get my head around it—luckily I played a web strategy game before, so it was easy to grasp or have an idea what to do.
And so, here’s a quick summary of the stuff that I found out..
Tomio’s Fall 2012 Anime Picks and Impressions
Cosmania 2012 – Phone Snapshots
Shout “Excalibur” while swiping your card
Do you want to feel awesome while buying stuff with your credit card? Do you want to feel the power of your Noble Phantasm, while you defeat the forces of ‘expensive purchases’ away from your wallet?
Well, JACCS has something for you. If you’re a Fate Zero fan and love purchasing things with your credit card, this will definitely put the ‘Y’ in your Yuetsu.