Posted inJapanese Vocabulary
Posted inJapanese Vocabulary
Japanese Word of the Day #2: Jitensha
I was late in posting the next word. I’m blaming PSO2 for this. =w=
Anyway, here we go:
Word: じてんしゃ
Dictionary Form:N/A
Kanji: 自転車
Romaji: jitensha
Romaji (Dictionary Form): N/A
Meaning: Bike, Bycicle
Posted inJapanese Vocabulary
Japanese Word of the Day #1: Benkyoushimasu
I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I was thinking of a way for me to easily remember Japanese vocabulary from Lessons 1-20 in Elementary 1-2. So here we are! I will try to update this daily as much as possible, so I can be able to make it a habit to take a look at one of the words on a daily basis, understand it and its writing, so I can memorize or remember it well.
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