Tomio Satou Here! Glad to be of Service!
New Site, New Logo, and New Mascot
Hi there!
If you’ve been with us yesterday, you’ve probably known that we’ve just updated the site’s template and logo. Also, we’ve added in our very own mascot! Yay!
Manila Flooding 07 August 2012 20:50 +8 GMT
This post does not have a picture. This post will not have any special keywords.
The rain falls relentlessly
Thunder growls intensely
Hoping the waters do not increase in level more.
Nihongo Diary
Site Updates: Adding AJAX to Pages
If you’ve been looking around the site in the past few hours you would notice something suspicious whenever you begin loading a page: content posts load by themselves. Which allows the page to not reload itself, reducing waiting time for you.
Yep, I’ve implemented a small plugin / code snippet that enables the site to load page content below the “content” element ID.
First Impressions: Deardrops
So I’ve been planning to play a new set of VN’s beginning this term, and so far the list is looking good. I’m thinking of getting back at the backlogs of the games that I have on my PC, and probably start from there.
First off: Deardrops!