If you’ve been following the SAO novels, you’d be waiting and be interested to know that Sword Art Online Volume 10: Alicization Running is now available for download in the Baka-Tsuki Project Site. You can head over to the project page to begin reading, or download a PDF or ePUB version from the Forum.
SAO 10: Alicization Running continues off from the cliffhanger end of SAO 9: Alicization Beginning, where Kirito is sent to a mysterious server whose NPCs move, act and think naturally as normal humans. The plot thickens as he discovers that he can think, feel and move inside the game as if it were in real life. What kind of technological breakthrough does the server have? What is its purpose? And most of all, why does he always get a new chick every damn arc and novel? These are the mysteries that we should all solve in the future.
P.S. I finished the novel within 4 hours of downloading it. Join me as I writhe in agony waiting for the next installment.
Thank you I love you. Reading now!
Sure thing! Vol 11 is out, you can go here to get it: http://sakuraindex.jp/novel/sword-art-online-vol-11-alicization-turning-download-translated/ XD