Wolfteam PH: Gearing up with Updates for March!
Nikki’s Little Secret to Begin this March
Facebook Cover Photo: Maou & Yuusha
From Paris to Lavalon– F7 with love~
Anime Folder Icons Download (Winter 2013)
[Browser Theme] Shiina Mayuri Chrome Theme
Check out this new theme for Shiina Mayuri from Steins;Gate! With this theme, your daily tutturu meter will always be filled. The theme features her character image, along with a variable background that features the grit and the darker fate that belies her in the Alpha World line. The theme also features the Divergence Value 1.30238%, where her ending, “Stardust Sky”, exists.
Seven Japanese PS VITA Games You may Want Translated
Rakion PH: February with a Twist
[Trailer] Steins;Gate Movie (now with SUBS!)
So just recently we’ve seen a new trailer for Steins;Gate movie that is coming this year and in this world line. The trailer kicks off with a haunting tune with [ Believe in Me ] (Steins Gate Original Soundtrack, 5pb.) and with a voice over of Kurisu telling us what’s on her mind and what she’s thinking. Along with that are superimposed words on the video telling us that there is a world line that everyone hasn’t experienced yet, and flashes of characters that are wearing clothes that aren’t seen in the anime and the game; which further reinforces the line that it’s about a different world line. She hints that she remembers the events in other world lines, and it might be quite possible that yes, it is indeed a world line we have yet to see.