kyou_no_nihon_no_kotoba_005: imouto

Japanese Word of the Day #5: Imouto

The word 妹 pertains to a person's "younger sister," as they use different words to address their family members. It has two characters, 女(おんな / onna), pertaining to the female gender and 未(み / mi), which can also mean "not yet" (also, the same kanji used in 未だ/まだ). "Woman not yet" is what perfectly describes a young female member of the family, thus, the word.
Japanese Word of the Day #1 (kyou no nihon no kotoba)

Japanese Word of the Day #1: Benkyoushimasu

Japanese Word of the Day #1 (kyou no nihon no kotoba)

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I was thinking of a way for me to easily remember Japanese vocabulary from Lessons 1-20 in Elementary 1-2. So here we are! I will try to update this daily as much as possible, so I can be able to make it a habit to take a look at one of the words on a daily basis, understand it and its writing, so I can memorize or remember it well.

Elementary 2 Book of Minna no Nihongo

Nihongo Diary

Elementary 2 Book of Minna no Nihongo

It’s been a while since my last update. ^^;

Recently I’ve been engaged in new projects, as a writer for an indie game and as a composer for a friend’s project. I’ve been playing around with Garageband in iPad, so I’ve got my head around in composing music. 😀

Audition Online Game Masters Image

Life as a Game Master

So I’ve been digging my old photos from the huge-ass My Photos folder in my hard drive, and for some reason I came across this old gem of a find: a photo album Audition Online‘s 2nd Anniversary.

Audition Online Game Masters ImageThe GM’s from the left: Makadesh, Faiga, Hanya, Medea, me, Amethy (CM Jes) and CM Lowe.

I remember being a Game Master for this game during my stint in IP E-Games, and those were the good old days of solid fun with the veteran players. And that was when we got to introduce a bunch of new GM’s on stage, along with a solid dance number from them.

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Site Updates: Adding AJAX to Pages

If you’ve been looking around the site in the past few hours you would notice something suspicious whenever you begin loading a page: content posts load by themselves. Which allows the page to not reload itself, reducing waiting time for you.

Yep, I’ve implemented a small plugin / code snippet that enables the site to load page content below the “content” element ID.