
Dragon Saga Kafra Post

YES. I haven’t updated for a time now, because frikin Dragon Saga has been taking up my time.

Anyway, found out that one of them Kafra’s are of the tsundere type– maybe it might increase chances for her to snag a hero or two.


We are now on Windows Server 2012


Welcome to our new home.

Been quite busy in the past few days, since we’ve been running up our sleeves on migrating the server onto a new platform, in order to take advantage of new technologies; and of course, new security features. Today we’ve been really excited about the migration of our main site, Sakura Index, into a spanking new Server and OS.

Homura, Panda and Poring

Homura vs Poring

Homura, Panda and Poring
The cast of “Homura vs Poring”

Been playing around my iPad and Adobe CS6. This was made out of boredom and an itch to make something. lol.

I present to you… a video– if ever Homura gets to fight with a Poring from Ragnarok Online.