- Welcome to our new home.
Been quite busy in the past few days, since we’ve been running up our sleeves on migrating the server onto a new platform, in order to take advantage of new technologies; and of course, new security features. Today we’ve been really excited about the migration of our main site, Sakura Index, into a spanking new Server and OS.
Introducing Kyouko.
Following the tradition of us here in Sakura Index to name our servers and network devices after characters from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Kyouko comes in with slightly bigger resources than Homura.

Kyouko is on Windows Server 2012, which comes with IIS8. IIS8 builds on the modular style of IIS7 in implementing features and sites on the server, and apparently has an improved management of server resources when subjected to stress. We’ll see soon once we get another spike in visits. ๐

As usual, we’ve installed our favorite FTP server, Filezilla. One reason why we didn’t make use of the built-in FTP server of IIS8 is that we didn’t like the way users and folders were given access and permissions. And of course, FileZilla takes up only a small part of server resources than the IIS counterpart– given the limited resources we have on a VPS it’s a pretty sound choice.
The whole site was copied off from Homura, and its Database Dump exported as well. We saved it on the local inet folder then imported the database– made some changes on the URL information during the staging period (which was just about 2 hours) for some tweaks on the settings and reverted them back when we redirected our DNS server to resolve on to the new host.

Caching was deactivated and cleaned from the onset– but we slowly reactivated them as we went, and so far they’re now all back online. Hopefully there won’t be any problem there. ๐
Total Migration time: 3 hours. Not bad for someone who winged it. LOL.
Anyway, that’s that. If you’ve found an issue, a problem or an error, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment here or send an email to inquiries@sakuraindex.jp